Thursday, August 28, 2008

Isn't it Taco Thursday?

Aug 28

The doctor signed my return to work slip - kind of like school days where your mom gave you a permission slip to go back to school after you were sick. I am going back tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday for 5 hours. It will be good to get away from the house and back to normal. Wish it was back to normal before cancer! HR needs more info since I'm not going back full time. I've left a message yesterday and today for the surgeon's scheduler/assitant to fax over this additional info. If they don't call back and fax info, then I don't go in tomorrow. Sigh! Waiting teaches one patience, right?

Update: Due to the wording that the doctor "updated" the return to work form, I am not going back until Wednesday after my appointment with her. I agree with what she said stamina is not back up to 100% and I still have pain from the incisions.

Some have asked me, "How are you REALLY doing?"

Answer: Surgery is over and recuperation is well on it's way; pain is less today than it was yesterday. This was the first hurdle that was causing the most stress. Just waiting, now, to find out if more surgery is needed. It is a total waiting game; right now, we can't plan a week in advance. So we just plan for tomorrow and that's okay.

I do have my moments where I cry . . sometimes the great big gulping, can't-catch-my-breath, kind of crying like when my father died. I try to hide these moments from the girls and Vic, but sometimes they come over me so quickly that I can't stop them.

Vic drew a diagram of the tumor with extra tissue to share with you all. But! He needs to clarify it for me with words. lol Vic is doing well, getting back into the swing of working. I've encouraged him to find a support group for caregivers either in-person or on-line. I put links at the bottom of the main page of two blogs I've found written from the man's perspective. I hope you check them out.

Recently I found this video and have watched it daily since. Please take a moment to view it too.


  1. It's okay to cry Renee', you need to now and then. It's only normal, cancer is a scary thing, and I know God is watching over you, and helping you "walk on the stormy water to Jesus, like Peter did," but still it's hard. Sure understand the tears, I'd have them too! Just know that we are really holding you up in prayer.

    Love you,
    Cousin Kim

  2. I loved that video, so true! And so encouraging!


  3. Hi Renee
    This is Jamie, Kim's friend in Hollister, and 2 time BC survivor.
    I am enthralled with your blog and LOVE the video!
    I did have double mastectomies with immediate reconstruction in 2006 and want to share my experience with you when you are ready.
    My story is posted on my website,
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Your sister survivor.
